Legendary Big Dish Chicken
Notes: Big dish chicken (BDC) is daily dish in
Ürümqi which is super spicy chicken stew mixed with some vegs in a Big Big dish which u will find on all menus of most restaurants. Looking for the most authenticate one, head to Blood Station (kind of hospital collects blood for medical use.), those restaurants nearby are most reputable for this dish. Blooodyyyyy guaranteed!!! :)
传说中的大盘鸡大盘鸡在乌鲁木齐是近人皆知的家常菜,几乎出现在大部分的餐馆菜单之上. 不过.....最为地道还数血站大盘鸡,解为-采血站(属医院系统)附近的大盘鸡餐馆.

Be guest in nomads' tent (Tajikistanis)
Most are fried bread comes with assorted shapes and sizes serving with yogurts and hard candies. Highlight is 'horse milk'. Nomads collect horse milk and put in a sealed leather bag, stir it vigorously then put it away for a couple of days (I guess get it fermented a bit). Be careful! Stronger than beer!!! That's why tajik males spent most of the day roaming around neighbour's tents for 'milk'.
Night food marke in WuYi Road, Ürümqi
This is definitely meatlover's heaven. For sure.
Here's famous Roast Whole Lamb. I like the decoration of green leaf.
Ürümqi Kebab
It smells much better than it actually tasted. Server with a piece of bread and wash down with cheap local beer. Why? They r both chewy.
新疆的烤羊肉串 --还用多说?